Public Issues

Public Issues community service program has Focus Areas:

  • Citizenship; Encourage every member to vote in all elections. Hold a club night to hear candidates from both parties or to hear both sides of an issue on the ballot.

  • Military Personnel; Have a speaker from the military base near you and learn the needs of the military families. Many Families need help at the holidays. Help a family to provide Christmas gifts for their children. Support our military members returning home in re-entering the community and finding jobs. Support the Wounded Warrior Program.

  • Emergency Preparedness ; Have a speaker from your local Emergency Management Agency and learn what needs to be done to ensure we are prepared in case of a disaster.

  • Safety and Crime Prevention; Join your community during National Night Out. Have a speaker on keeping your homes safe.

  • Partnership USO; Our USO at the Airport at SEATAC is in the process of enlarging the area to better accommodate all the Military Personnel and their families that use the facility. They have many needs and some are listed below: Cribs, End Tables, Twin Mattresses, Camera to record Stories for the children, Gaming Tables, Diapers,Wipes Gift Cards – For Safeway-Costco- Fred Meyer-QFC-Applebee’s – Dairy Queen-McDonalds The gift cards are given to families in need.